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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  January 4, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EST

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congratulations to our guys. it's not easy to make the playoffs. the ravens advance to the playoffs after beating the raiders, how the fans feel this morning. it's not your typical forecast when you can watch cloudy with a chance of meat balls right in your own living room.
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good morning. it's monday, january 24th, i'm patrice harris. happy new year to you. we have a school closing to tell you about this morning. cecil ton elementary school is cecil county is closed this morning because they have no heat. it's freezing cold this morning, so you can understand that. and meteorologist tony pagnotti is here with all the details so you can see how cold it is. i can't imagine being anywhere without heat today. we are trying to keep the winds a little less gusty. we are at 25-mile per hour gusts the not a good day to be without no heat. if you are lucky that indeed we will be talking about snow anytime soon. no, because it's not going to be the big weather headline, it's just going to be the cold temperatures.
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but then folks, it's january. we could get a burst of snow flurry here and there but not everywhere as we have a weak disturbance out to our west. there's the current numbers. when you look at those temperatures, it's wintery type temperatures to start the morning, not too bad, but then you have to take into effect, the winds, not as bad as yesterday, yesterday at this hour we were gusting up to 25 and 30. now look at single digits here in baltimore. still the windchills will be in the teens. at the bus stop it's a cold reality for the kids headed back to school inmore ways than one. 21 degrees with mostly cloudy skies at the bus stop. we will try to push the mother tourmercuryto 22 degrees. when i come back i will have the all-important seven-day forecast and let you know if there's any warmth at the end of the weather tunnel. speaking of tunnels and bridges and all of that stuff out there,
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that's what you're going to be facing out this morning, back to work, back to school, and back to bingo. here is candace dold with the traffic edge report. thank you, tony. it is back indeed back to the routine. if you're traveling you need to be extra cautious. we have icy conditions to report on philadelphia at joppa farm road. this is only one area that is reported in, but just be careful, you could find it in your own neighborhood as soon as you hit the roadways. as far as the main lines, no problems to report. that is better news. we can check on 95 at the whitemarsh boulevard area and here it is, it's already getting a bit busy there, but no major problems to talk about on either the northbound lanes or the southbound stretch heading toward the beltway. seeking farther down from the fort mchenry tunnel, traveling through the city, not bad an 8 minute clip at 54 miles mother hour. if you're going to opt for 895 instead from the harbor tunnel down toward 95, just a 9-minute
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drive, and again at 54 miles per hour. pretty calm on the beltway, wouldn't you say from 95 toward 83, running in the green, an 11-minute ride at bower miles pe54 miles perhour. and 54 with an 11 minute clip, all the way down to 795 back to you. patrice. the first murder of the the year leaves police searching for a killer. a man was gunned down in broad daylight in northeast baltimore. this morning police are still searching for clues. megan gil gilliland joins us lie from police headquarters, good morning megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. at this point the first murder of at year remains a mystery. police found a man with several gunshot wounds bleeding in an alley yesterday afternoon. so far no suspects. it happened in broad daylight at 3:00 in the 2300 block of acala
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avenue. witnesses say they spotted two people running from the scene. metro crime stoppers is offering a reward up to $2,000 for information that would lead to an arrest. as police continue to investigate the first murder of the year, city residents remember the victims of last year, they held a candle light vigil recently praying 2010 will be less violent. >> it's gunned down. i know you're willing in you listen i could show you how. >> stop the violence and maybe this will stop other . >> reporter: in 2009, there were 238 homicides in the city, four more than the year before. now last year started off very violent, there were 9 killings -- murders in the first 5 years o5 daysof that year. year there's been one. live from police hea headquarte, i'm megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news.
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stay tuned for fox 45 morning news. for continuing coverage of commissioner bealefeld will join us for his plans for the police for 2010. that is coming up in the 7:00 hour. it happened at 8:00 last night at north baltimore at york road and wood born avenue. police say a pickup truck pulled out in front of the officer's patrol car, the police car hit another car before smashing into a subway restaurant. the officer was taken to shock trauma with a fractured leg. four other people were rushed to sinai with nonlife-threatening injuries. a baltimore man and his girlfriend will be in court today charged in the murder of his 20-month-old daughter. 24-year-old jerome wallace and that tasha farmer were home with the baby last night when they say she stopped breathing.
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but an autopsy shows trauma to the baby's face and neck and they were charged with a homicide. they are were charged with a beating and child abuse. the ravens get the job done in oakland beating the raiders and securing a spot in the post season. willis mcgahee was the big story rushing for a career high of 167 yards and 3 touchdowns, the second one was the game's biggest play. mcgahee goes 77 yards for the touch down giving the ravens a 14-3 lead. then the ravens managed to cut the lead to a single point and sha when they took a rookie undrafted free agent interception the markus russell pass and intercepts the other way. 20 yards deep into raider territory that sets up another mcgahee touch down and the ravens win 27-14.
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we know our way around. we know where the locker room is at and we are looking forward to playing the new england patriots in the playoffs if foxborough. they are facing the new england patriots next sunday for the first playoff match op. some say it one the prettiest game, but the players don't care how they look as long as they're in the dance. is that what the fans are feeling. why do people say can wasn't necessarily the prettiest? >> reporter: they are missing field goals and they are playing against a bad team. they won a big blowout against the bears. good morning, barbara. it is a good morning when the ravens are in the playoffs. >> oh my gosh, awesome. >> reporter: you seem excited. we were watching the game. wasn't it a pretty game. it made us nervous. >> they rant a lot of punting
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and that was a blessing in disguise, a little scary. there was a blow you the, but it was awesome. >> reporter: we got the win and the smiles today, that brings us to new england and the playoffs, how far are we going to go and what is the patriots game going to be like? >> i'm thinking we're going to win but talking to a lot of people they think that this is basically the end of our road. they have the motivation now, and i feel strongly that they're going to do very well and better than everybody anticipated. >> reporter: plus some patriots are injured, that is good for us. >> absolutely always is. >> reporter: we have smiles on our face and we go back to work, us, ravens fans are smiling today. >> we smiling today, hopefully we are smiling next week after we play the patriots. can this ravens team go as far as it went last year? that is the question of the day.
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call us in the 7:00 hour. or send us a tweet at fox baltimore or text your answer to 4520 there, enter fox 45a for he yes or 45b for no. coming up the government beefs up airport security, the changes that start today. if you're a little sleepy this morning getting back to business, let me tell you,
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we are more like than we think despite our differences. that is what an exhibit in port
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discovery teaches and you only have a little bit longer to go check it out. good morning, kate for this morning hometown hot spot. >> good morning, and happy new year. tell me about the exhibit. >> we are at the standing accessible at the exhibit. it's the disability awareness exhibit for children and visitors that can come and discover that people with disabilities are not that different than you and i. like this section of the exhibit right here, you can figure out, how to do something that you would do with your hand with a different kind of tool. like, see that, i'm not very good at it. >> that is what i this is about. this is not something that you have to do everything, but people with that disability do have to do that. >> exactly. >> is this for kids or might
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adults learn something? >> it's for everybody. we all go through things, like aging. there's different ways that people tell time. there's all kinds of different things that might be considered a disability but you or i might go through life. there's that much of a difference. >> we will check out the exhibit and what you're joining people. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> accessibility is on marketplace, through january 24. for more information log on to we have 24 degrees this morning at bwi, thurgood marshal airport. the good news is the windchills aren't as bad as they were this weekend, thank goodness for that. winds northwest at 8 not up to 25 or 35 and gusts we had this weekend around 40, you heard it, you felt, you saw it. we're going to be better today. current temperatures pretty much where they should be this time of year so these numbers aren't bad in the mid-20s.
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however, when you factor in the winds, here is what it feels like when you head outside around the teens, 13, 10, 13 degrees. out in western maryland, 8 below zero is the windchill right now. hd radar scan. we have a little bit of a disturbance out to the west, that could usher in a few snow flurries here or there this afternoon, no biggie. we want to mention it's a 30 to 40% chance of that. we are seeing cold, not just here in the mid-atlantic, check out minneapolis right now. these are temperatures, not windchills, 9 below, and even down in miami, 45, atlanta, not so hot. atlanta, how about 18 degrees. sky watch we will take a look right now and see if there's anything in our future to worry about. you know what, i think we're starting off 2010 on a pretty good note al albeit a cold one. in major storms in the system. these temperatures will get up
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to around freezing for the daytime high for today. clouds and radar throughout the day today. we will see overcast skies with peaks of sunshine here and there. we will will call it an invariably cloudy day. the rain will push through. and we will see more sunshine tomorrow than we have today. the forecast on the eastern shore, we are call it around 33 degrees, partly sunny skies here in central maryland, maybe a flurry or 2, as we said flu 32 and in western maryland the forecast looking like this, with sunshine and 27 degrees chance of a snow flurry or 2. seven-day forecast, today 32 degrees, overnight low temperatures, are going to be chilly, but the winds will be dying down as the week wears. on. that is good news, and the weekend is above freezing, a good chance of snow possibility is on friday. iradar is available at you can use fox 45's powerful doppler radar to track the
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incoming storms. interactive tools let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. and what do you say right now on this monday back to business and school and all, how are the roadways are doing? the traffic edge report, here is candace. >> reporter: thank you, tony. it's a pretty difficult monday morning to face if you're heading back to work. if you're headed back out not exactly a bad ride on the roadways. heading on the pikesville at 62 miles per hour. at 55 traveling near security boulevard skate and 58 miles per hour traveling through the catonsville area. now that is pretty good news, right? well, there's bad news, though, you will find patches of ice out there. we do in fact have icy conditions to report in the northeast corner. it's on philadelphia road, right at joppa farm road, but of course use extra caution as you travel wherever your travels
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take you this morning. as for the main lines, no problems to report on 95. that volume is just picking up there traveling through the whitemarsh region heading toward the beltway. now a little bit farther down on 95 at the fort mchenry tunnel, we can show what that looks like, here it is in excellent shape on the northbound lanes and the southbound stretch making the approach down toward the beltway. now the tunnels, though, they're pretty much the way to go this morning. it's pretty windy out there and as a result we do have wind warnings in effect in all of the area bridges which includes the key bridge. just stick with the tunnels if you need to make the approach to that region this morning. 695, farther up, it's a pretty calm ride. we can show you at pulaski highway, here it is the lanes are pretty much open, inner and outer loop stretch heading toward 95. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back to you. coming up. the government beefs up airport security, the changes that start today. and don't give up the relaxation of the holidays just
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yet. the movies you can enjoy on dvd this week. 6:18 is the time. you are watc
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lights are back to normal at the newark international airport. last night flights were grounded and several passengers had to go through security several times after a man walked through a screening check appoint, exited and walked through the terminal. he was spotted but officials were still looking for him as of late last night. all passengers in not connecticut tiin the con tin10no back through again. there's new guide lie guider
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anybody flying from a country. >> new rules in the wake of a failed terrorist bombing. the transportation safety admnistration has announced new security measures for international flights bound for the united states. starting monday, travelers flying from or going through nations regards as state's sponsors of terrorism as well as other countries of interest, will be required to go through enhanced screening, those could include full body scans, and carry on searches. the state department, listed cuba, iran, sudan, and syria. passengers from nigeria, yemen, and pakistan will face enhanced screening as well. passengers from other country will be checked at random. the obama admnistration probes a breach with allowed an attack on
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christmas day. agencies failed to connect the dots. >> there was no smoking gun. there was no piece of intelligence that said this guy was a terrorist and was getting on a plane. >> reporter: one former army intelligence officer says the u.s. faces a manage or challenge following up on hundreds of threats each week. >> we need to act on these very aggressively. it's about taking risks and we need to take one. >> reporter: meanwhile both u.s. and british officials decide to close embassies in yemen after security threats were made there. >> al-qaeda is determined to carry out these attacks and we're determined to thwart the attacks. >> reporter: in new york julie banderas. fox news. coming up cooler temperatures have everyone shivering. >> she has the hot chocolate. >> that sounds good right about
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now. we will tell you where the temperatures are the lowest. and they're hitting shelves soon. the movies you can get on dvd this week
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the new year brought cold weather, but if you think it's bad here in baltimore, this is nothing. in vermont snow plows are working overtime. the green mountain state getting record snow falls, this weekend. sunday alone, 32 inches fell on south burlington and more is on its way and even down south where winter temperatures are more mild. in durham, north carolina, folks say they haven't seen temperatures this low in years forcing them to get out the long john's and pick up some hot chocolate. >> it's okay, except my fingers are frozen. she has the hot chocolate, but i couldn't get the money out of my pocket to have hot chocolate. moving west, to minneapolis, the freezing weather is packing homeless shelters. the salvation army has more than 700 guests this weekend. the shelter won't turn anyone away in need of a meal or a place to sleep.
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>> if you show up at our door, we will find you a spot. >> reporter: the upper midwest and northeast are seeing rough winter weather with widespread snow expected from michigan to new england. parts of florida could expect below freezing weather, welcome to winter. coming up a tanning bed ban for teenagers takes effect, how it will be enforced now that the grace period is over. and police search for a killer in the city's first murder of the new year. i'm megan gilliland, what city residents are doing to make 2010 safer. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith, in panner a bread in towson where folks are starting out their first week with
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lcome back to fox 45 morning news. 6:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. cecilton elementary is closed because they have no heat. it's a cold morning to have no heat. ton hey pagnotti is itony pagnoe fertig and he can tell us how low we can go. >> somehow i can see you getting low in the limbo.
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>> it would be tough for me to get low. >> or getting back up. >> that would be getting back up after i see how low i can go. >> temperatures are going lower, but they're going lower because the windchill. that is how we have to deal with. no snow to deal with or rain, but we do have a chance of a burst of a flurry or two before a weak front disturbance passes through. there's the numbers, not too bad, it's january, we can deal with it, but when you factor in some the windchills, not as bads yesterday, definitely. look at this in baltimore, only an 8-mile per hour wind gust. single digits to the south. it's going to feel like 15, so dress accordingly when you head out the door and kids bundle up because the rude awakening going back to school, 25 degrees will feel more like the 16, 17 degrees on your forecast for today. we will have mostly cloudy skies, chance of some scattered snow showers through the midday. we will reach a high of
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32 degrees amid a breezy day. well, is it a breeze out there on the back to basics today after the big holiday weekend? we will check in for the answer to that with candace dold in the traffic edge report. >> reporter: thank you, tony. well, it is indeed so cold out there that we actually do have icy conditions to talk about. once you finally warm up your car and do hit the roadways, unfortunately this is what you will find. it's on philadelphia road right at joppa farm road. of course, that is only one location. you can find it when you head out on tout to your roadways. use caution as you head out there. the main lines they're a breeze. we will tell you what it looks like on 95, here it is moving through the whitemarsh area. you can see the volume is picking up but to far no incidents to report. that is good news. 95 farther down it's the same deal from the fort mchenry tunnel, headed toward the beltway an 8 minute clip at 52 miles per hour. if you're going out toward the
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outer loop lanes of the beltway this morning, from 95 up toward 83, so far in excellent shape, an 11 minute clip at 55 miles per hour. and the 54 miles per hour with an 8-minute drive from 83 down toward 795. but then, it slows down. can you see the volume is increasing from 795 down toward 95, a 12-minute drive at 51 miles per hour. that's a look at morning travels, patrice, over to you. 6:33 now on fox 45 morning news. city police are investigating the first murder of the new year. after a man is gunned down in a northeast baltimore alley, megan gilliland joins us from police headquarters with that story. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. police found a man with several gunshot wounds bleeding in alley. he was pronounced dead at the scene. but at this point, the first murder of the new year still remains a mystery. it happened at broad daylight around 3:00 in the afternoon at
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the 5300 block of ocala avenue. the victim's name is not being released at this point, but we are told he is an adult man. witnesses spotted two people running from the scene. at this point, police have no motives and no suspects. it's the first murder since city residents held a vigil last week remembering the victims of violence in 2009, and pleading to make baltimore safer in 2010. >> this is a statement, all the candles, this is a statement that things can get better, and hopefully it will be less candles up there next year. >> reporter: in 2009, there were 238 homicides in baltimore city, 4 more than the year before. metro crime stoppers is offering a reward up to $2,000 for anyone with information that would lead to an arrest in yesterday's homicide. live from city police headquarters this morning, i'm megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. stay tuned for fox 45 morning news for continuing coverage of this story. police commissioner fred
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bealefeld will join us live to talk about his plans for the police department in 2010. that's coming up in our 7:00 hour. the u.s. and the british have closed their embassies in yemen due to ongoing threats by al-qaeda. the embassies closed yesterday. investigators say the threats are linked to the failed attack on christmas day. it has culminated with the arrest of the umar farouk abdulmuttallab, the 23-year-old christmas suspect terrorist says he trained with members of al-qaeda in yemen. there's indications that al-qaeda is intending to carry out an attack against targets, possibly the embassies. what we do is to take every measure possible to ensure the safety of our diplomats and citizens outside.
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petraeus met to discuss the fight against al-qaeda, no word on when both of those embassies will reopen. the ravens get the job done in oakland beating the raiders and securing a spot? the post season. willis mcgahee was the story of the day rushing for a career high, and 3 touchdowns. the second one was the biggest play. mcgahee goes 77 yards for of the touch down giving the ravens a 14-3 lead. the raiders managed to cut lead to just a sing the point. that is when baltimore's defense took over. the undraft free agent, markus russell pass and takes on the other way. 28 yards deep in raider territory. that set up another mcgahee touch down and the ravens win 21-13. the ravens mace the new england patriots next sunday for their first playoff match up.
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and for the second straight year, the ravens will enter the playoffs as a wild card team. are the fans feeling another strong playoff run like last season? joel d smith is live at panera bread in town this morning to find out. i'm guessing that most fans are excited that we have gotten into the playoffs for the second time. >> reporter: that's the first step, is getting into the playoffs. we're talking shop here with some the regs. we have frankie dan. you watched the game, a little nervous during the game and this was supposed to be an easy one. >> they're an nfl team and we played like they were an nfl team. >> reporter: definitely. >> and when it comes to the next game, you know the patriots have some injuries, what do you think. do swee have we have a good sh. >> we're going to win the beat the patriots. >> reporter: you sound confident. >> in the middle of a blizzard
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it would feel a different perspective to the game. maybe they will have six inches of snow and flacco will get back into the passing gear. >> reporter: they have injuries the patriots. >> yesterday's game wasn't pretty but it beat them. >> reporter: we will be talking about the playoffs the rest of the week but it's nice to start the workweek when you're able to be a raven and talk about something unlike the steeler fans. they're very happy for that, too, patrice. joel d smith at towson. back to you. i'm smiles about ta. that. >> no more tanning for teens. how the tanning bed ban will be implemented. check out the beltway at liberty road, already all the cars are filling up the lanes, i will show you wh
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>>well in back, it's 6:40, 20 minutes before the hour of 7:00. it feels good to be up early and out the door once again after the long holiday weekend. partly cloudy skies. if there's good news to the chill in the air, we are seeing winds at northwest at 8 instead of gusting up to 25, and 35 and beyond like we had this weekend.
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here are the regional temperatures, in the mid-20s everywhere. the teens out to the west but the important story, again, you have to factor in the windchill, the real feel when you head out the door. we're talking temperature feel in the teens and to our west, single digits. take a look at the hd aid rr scan, we have a disturbance through the afternoon hours maybe triggering snow flurries here and there. we take a look at the big picture. we have a lot of company with the cold temperatures. it's colder in atlanta than it is here in baltimore. a big wedge of cold air and they're freezing in disney world, right now 23 degrees in central florida. here is what we in the sky watch. the statewide temperatures will stay in the mid-20s before rebounding to a freezing for the daytime high. future scan shows us clouds
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thickening and again the snow flurries popping up, perhaps a little bit later on. clouds and radar scan, the clouds thicken throughout the afternoon, and maybe, again some snow showers, especially north and west of baltimore. your forecast is looking like this today. on the eastern shore we will call it partly cloudy skies, 33 degrees, winds kicking up to 15-20 miles per hour. here in central maryland, we will have temperatures around the freezing mark, 32 degrees, winds west, 10-25 miles per hour, and in western maryland, more of the th same, although it will be chillier with the windchill kicking up 25-30, 27 degrees. here is the seven-day forecast for you. you know all of today's 32 with a brisk breeze. tomorrow the good news is we will kick up the mercury a little bit and down with the windchills. so we're actually headed in the right direction, but friday we're keeping our eye on the
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storm system. that could bring us some snow. we will keep you posted on that. whatever happens out there, you know, weather wise, fox 45 sky watch weather is at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track the incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on i-radar. well, we're heading back to the routine today on the roadways. let's see if it's so far a routine commute with the 411. here is candace. >> reporter: thank you, tony. it is indeed a pretty difficult day to face if you need to head back to work after a long vacation, but so far, actually on parts the beltway not doing too bad. 65 miles per hour traveling on beltway right near the harford road area. at 62 traveling through the pikesville region. as or the jfx so far so good at
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57 miles per hour. now have been of course, we do want to he show you what the west side looks like. you know the deal it's busy at this time. that is going to be the deal. here it is at the inner loop lanes, picking up the volume. it's going to be attacked traveling toward security boulevard. now some better news, though, the delays don't exactly spread reaching down through the catonsville region, so it hasn't picked up there, but it will, you know the usual deal traveling through the morning rush. let's talk about 95 this morning. it'sy much in excellent shape traveling from the beltway heading toward 395, just a bit of a slow downright near the 395 exit in the southbound direction. at the fort mchenry tunnel, we can show what that looks like, here it is on the southbound lanes, it's getting a bit busy but no incidents to report there. the tunnels are the way to go this morning. that is because we do have wind warnings in effect traveling on the key bridge. just hol
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new this morning, a baltimore county man and his girlfriend will be in court today charged in the murder of his 20-month-old daughter. 24-year-old jerome wallace and na tach a pardona tasha farmer n the baby stopped breathing. wallace and farmer are now charged with baby abuse. it happened around 8:00 last night in north baltimore at york road in wood borne avenue. police say a pickup truck pulled out in front of the officer's patrol car. the police car then hit another car before smashing into a subway restaurant. the officer was taken to shock trauma with a fractured leg. four other people were rescued.
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the officer was taken to siania with nonlife-threatening injuries. the babe was passed i -- ban november and took effect immediately. dr.commissioner bealefeld is telling us what will happen next. >> what happens now in terms of enforcing this and making sure that people are followed through? >> we will be doing the same that we do for cigarettes that are being sold for minors. we use minors who have been certified to go in with an officer behind them and do stings to see if they can get tanned in an indoor tanning salon. >> what does the ban say, because there's some exceptions? >> there's only one exception. it's a ban in the country of
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anyone under the age of 18 with the exception if there's a physician prescription for that. in talking to dermatologist, no physicians that we found do prescribe indoor tanning. >> there was a lot of slack about this bill when it went into effect and when it was being proposed and talked about. a lot of tanning bed salons, said, why should the county legislate this it's up to the parents to decide. you all are over stepping your bounds. >> we heard that, however, there's proven carcinogens including tobacco. we don't allow parents to opt out oral he low th or allow thet them buy, there's certain things that are dangerous in this particular case with adolescence from this known significant carcinogen. keep in mind, adults can make their own decision. this is only for minors under the age of 18.
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>> not everyone agrees. the indoor tanning association is threatening a lawsuit saying that you are over stepping. do you have the legal backing to back up what you have put in place. >> before we proposed putting this, we had support from the attorney general's office, we are confident that we are standing on firm legal ground. we haven't heard anything about this about the suit since the ban went into effect on november 10th. we have had support from the tanning salon owners. tomorrow we're taking a tour of one of the major tanning companies in howard county to see how they're handling the ban and to see how well they keep up their place. >> what are the companies or salons doing, because a lot of them say we are going to lose a lot of business. we deal with a lot of teenagers and that's a big chunk of our livelihood. >> in the hearing, because to the person of the salon owners were claiming that 1 to 2% of
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the profit is from teens. we think more of it is in their testimony which is now on record they say it's much smaller. we have not heard anything about business concerns since the time of the bans. >> the ban is in place and 18 years old and younger stay out. >> it is. >> dr. bealeson, thank you. the baltimore homicide record improves but how the police department is hoping to improve even more in 2010. they're hitting store shelves soon the movies you can get on dvds this week.
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the holidays are over, but if you find yourself needing more downtime this week, we have the perfect solution. there's several movies you can watch on dvd. candace dold has the details on the low, hi candace. >> reporter: hi, patrice. we had a wintery mix of precipitation, but the beginning of the new year calls for a forecast of fun. you can find out more when you the movie cloudy with a chance of meat balls hits shelves tomorrow. the animated adventure follows a young inventor who devices a machine that makes food managecally fall from the sky -- magically fall from the sky. >> listen for ana, she is the voice of the weather girl. and america fell in love with a pair of unconventional teens a decade ago. >> no. you're not --
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>> now 10 things i hate about you, will be he released in a 10th anniversary edition. this movie marks the debut of the late keith ledger. it tells the story of a man who tries to juggle, three wives, eight kids, three houses and his business. the 4th season is about to premier in mid-january, but you can catch up on the complete 3rd season on dvd tomorrow. you know kendra will kerson as hugh heffner's girlfriend. the blonde beauty is busy these days with a new baby and the reality show. kendra the first season will be released tomorrow. another t.v. show flies off to shelves. super friend, arrives in a judith collector's edition tomorrow. the show premiered 36 years ago and this is the first time it's been on video.
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we just rang in the new year, now it's time to think about valentine's day. >> i was making a valentine's pooh card. >> reporter: catch the love bug with winnie the pooh a valentine for you special edition. amy adams stars in upcoming romantic comedy leap year. we will talk about that on friday. i'm candace dold and that is. was avatar the big thing, because i was going to see that. >> this weekend alone it brought in 70 million. of course, that claimed a new year's record at the box office. this thing is shattering records. it's a huge hit around the world, too. so far it's generated more than $1 billion making the 4th gross egg picturing the picture.
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it can go up to titanic status. we will have to see. it's interesting to see how it is all unfolding. >> they didn't need my little $10. >> thank you. sometimes the biggest heros come in small pac packages. the the team of especially trained jeer bells must save the world from destruction. we have the g-force dvd combo packs to give away. you can win one if you're the 4th or 5th call ear at caller at (410)481-4545. coming up color full pop up books are big hits with kids, but this book teaches them about sports. >> reporter: city police search for a killer after the first murder of the year. i'm megan gilliland. what city residents are doing to make 2010 safer. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith
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at panera bread at towson, where you know what you can get here to
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next on fox 45 morning news. the city's first homicide of the year is on the books. the search is on for a killer. how are police handling a spike in violence time. police commissioner fred
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bealefeld joins us live in studio. congratulations. it's not easy to make the playoffs. the ravens advance to the playoffs after beating the raiders. how the fans feel this morning. good morning. it's monday, january 4th. i'm patrice harris. happy new year. we are starting today with some school closings to pass along with you this morning. garrett county schools are closed, all garrett county schools and cecil ton elementary in cecil county is closed today because they have no heat. it's cold out there. meteorologist tony pagnotti is in with a look at how cold it is. the howling wind over the past few days, it's pretty cold. >> it is indeed. and places down south that are warmer than here, are colder
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than we are. >> somebody told me that it snowed in texas on christmas. it was 75 degrees the day before and snowed the next day. >> they had a white christmas for the first time in many years. it's kind of crazy. maybe it's the nino effect. whatever you want to blame it on. how we ended the old year with the big snow. today no snow just winds, but they're dying down on the radar scan. you saw that there was nothing to show you today precipitation wise, maybe a burst of a snow flurry here and there. there's the numbers for you. current temperatures, not too shabby, mid-20s, and then you factor in with the winds, not as bad as yesterday. we were up to 25, gusting to 40. you could hear it in your house, the windows rattling. today the windchills will be in the teens out of the bus stop, the cold reality, the kids heading back to school in more ways than one. 25 degrees with about an
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18-degree windchill. today we will call variably cloudy skies, maybe snow flurries here and there and not everywhere. daytime high of 32 degrees. let's see, i guess, the heaters have to be going in the cars, but then once you're in the car, well the folks in the car be heating up when they start seeing what is going on the roadways? to answer all of here is candace in the track edge report. >> reporter: thank you, tony. it's going to take you a long time to heat up your car. once you get on the roadways, watch out, you could get icy patches out there. in fact, it's reported on the northeast corner in philadelphia road at joppa farm road. you can find it wherever you're traveling, just use extra caution. on 95, we can show you what it looks like traveling on the whitemarsh area. so far no major delays to report on either the southbound or the northbound stretch heading toward 695.
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taking 95 through the city from the fort mchenry tunnel heading toward the beltway. we're looking at the actual speeds and looking at 25 miles per hour with an 8-minute ride. the beltway, it's starting to get a bit busy out there. a 12 minute clip, now at 48 miles per hour. and then doing better traveling from 83 down toward 795, 54 miles per hour with an 8-minute drive. from 795 down toward 95, that usual pretty busy west side is going to be the deal at 49 miles per hour, a 13-minute drive of the that's a lock at morning -- a look at morning travels, patrice, back to you. 7:04 the fox 45 morning news. the first murder of the year leaves police searching for a killer. a man was gunned down in northeast baltimore, this morning police are searching for clues. megan gilliland joins froes policpoliceheadquarters with mo.
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>> reporter: the first murder of the year remains a mystery. police found a man with several gunshot wounds bleeding in an alley yesterday afternoon. so far no motive and smo no sus. it happened at the 2300 block of ocala avenue, witnesses say they spotted two people running from the scene. metro crime stoppers is offering a reward up to $2 million for information that would lead to an arrest. as police continue to investigate the first murder of the new year, city residents remember the victims of last year. they held a candle light vigil recently praying that 2010 will be less violent. >> it's gunned down. i know you're willing if you listen, i could show you how. >> stop the violence and maybe this will stop others . >> reporter: in 2009 there were 238 homicides in baltimore city, four more than in 2008.
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now last year, there were nine people murdered within the first five days of the new year. so far this year, one. live from city police headquarters this morning, i'm megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. the ravens get the job done in oakland beating the raiders and securing a spot in the post season. willis mcgahee was the big story yesterday rushing for a career high 167 yards and three touchdowns. the second one was the game's biggest play. you see it right there. mcgahee goes 77 yards for the touch down giving the the ravens a 14 of this 3 lead, but the ravens managed to cut the lead to a single point so the ravens defense took over. the undrafted he free agent intercepted. and that sets up another mcgahee touch down and leaves
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the raiders shaking. the ravens win 21-14. we will go play new england. we have been there before, we have been there lots. we are comfortable, we know where the locker room is at. we look forward to playing the new england patriots at foxborough. you heard him, the ravens face new england patriots. they know where the locker room is. it's the first match up. the players say they don't care how they look as long as they're in the dance. is that how the fans are feeling? joel d smith is live at panera bread to find out. a win is a win or not so much. >> reporter: a win is a win, as long as you know where the locker rooms are, you're in good shape. that's what i learned from that quote. we thought it might be more of a controlled game. what did you think during the game and should it should have been a bigger win. >> joe flacco can't play that
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good. willis mcgahee tore it up. >> reporter: we need more running games against new england. >> what is your predecision of f the game? >> we're going to win. >> reporter: matt goes to school across the industry. we're at the putty hill avenue, panera bread, you want to talk ravens come over. we're in a good mood because of the raven won, right? >> yes. >> reporter: the way to get back to work and get back to school. we go against the patriots. had a tough loss but now we're in the playoffs, that is all that matters, right? what is going to happen? >> i think the ravens are going to win. >> reporter: as simple as that? >> i think they're going to win because they pulled it off. >> i think the defense, ray lewis needs to cool it down. >> reporter: you are you worried about the weather. what if they snow?
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>> i think they are accustomed to the snow so they will be all right. >> reporter: the patriots have a few players that are injured, that might help us, too, right? >> right. >> reporter: how much better is it when you are going to work or school coming off of a ravens win? >> it's awesome. everyone is wearing their ravens jersey, the love of baltimore joe's. >> reporter: do you hate the steelers? >> i hate the steelers. >> reporter: we like that. a lot of good stuff happening here at panner a bread. we're talking about the playoffs and the last game and looking forward to making a last run this year, patrice. >> we're looking forward to it. thank you so much joel. we want to know what you think, can this ravens team go as far as they went last year? we will take your call later this hour. you can go to or coun sound off through face . send us your tweet at fox baltimore, or sound off text us
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your answer, 45203, fox 45a for yes, and fox 45 45b for
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the police commissioner walked in. i felt like i was in the lineup, look at this on the weather wall. 24 degrees at bwi. the good news is the winds aren't as bad as they were over the weekend. they were gusting up to 35, 25 miles per hour. we're down to about 10. still no walk in the park today, but still chilly. here are the current numbers, 26 in charm city, 24 hagerstown, and you can see even down south, the temperatures are indeed the story with the winds kick up. what are the windchills. this is what it feels out the door.
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a not so lucky 13 in baltimore, 7 below out in oakland maryland. taking a look at the future scan, we have clouds filtering through, a weak disturbance is going to filter through and trigger off a shower or two but no biggie, at best the 30% chance of that happening. we talk about the cold beyond baltimore, check out atlanta. it's colder in a atlanta than it is here in baltimore. down in miami, 44 degrees and mickey mouse is freezing his ears down where in central florida 26 degrees with a daytime high of 38. that is central florida for you. closer to home, we will be seeing the clouds through the afternoon. the statewide temperatures stay in the mid-20s this morning after getting to the 42 for the daytime high. winds start to die down for the afternoon but still gusting out of the northwest at 15-20 miles per hour. here is the cold arctic blast that has been with us throughout
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the weekend. it starts to slow down a little bit. winds start to calm down, but we will keep the cold temperatures in place through the next 7 days. future scan shows you that we will have mostly clouds today. we could be seeing snow flurries here and there, not everywhere. once again, the numbers with the temperatures are going to stay pretty much about 8 degrees chillier than we should be this first week of january. 33 degrees on the eastern shore, winds northwest 15-20. here in central maryland right around freezing, 32, a few snow showers, 10-25 and then in western maryland, of course, 27 the cold spot with a scattered snow shower or two. here is the seven-day forecast. you know all about today. tomorrow we will add a few degrees, it will be about 35, 37 wednesday so we're going in the right direction and now we're keeping our eye on another system that could bring us some snow, how much, how soon, when
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still too far to call. we won't worry too much about it. still the numbers well below normal over the next 7 days. fox 45 sky watch weather is now at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45's powerful doppler radar to track the incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. well, it's been kind of a busy back to work, back to schools, back after the holiday weekend on the roadways. let's get the latest with candace on the traffic edge report. >> reporter: that sums it up. if you're headed to the daily rue out there, you're going to find busy roadways as many people are headed back to work this morning. now at 63 miles per hour on 95 traveling near the fort mchenry tunnel, but then look at this number at 27 traveling
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on 95 right near the whitemarsh area. definitely that is going to be the slowest spot out there. as for incidents, well we practically have icy conditions to report because the numbers are so low as far as the temperatures are concerned. it's in baltimore county on old court road that is right at joppa road. we have had several incidents to report because of this ice. so just be careful as you travel, you can find it in your own neighborhood as well. on 83 traveling at the 695 area, here it is and we are delay free on the northbound lanes and the southbound stretch heading down toward the beltway. once you finally do approach the beltway we can show you exactly what it looks like at greenspring avenue moving through the pikesville region. on the inner and outer loop lanes, you can see the cars are in the green on the map and showing you the inner and outer loop lanes we are in favorable conditions both directions. now 695, traveling ag at liberty road, here it is scene, no brake lights but a lot of brake lights from the inner and outer loop
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lanes from security boulevard. in that area on 795 a bit of a slow go approaching the beltway traveling from the owings mill region. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. appreciate everyone's differences. that is what the accessibility exhibit at port discovery teaches. michelle is there with all the details of the hometown hot spot. good morning, michelle. >> good morning, thank you for having us. >> no problem. tell me about the exhibit and give me an example of what you're talking about when you're teaching kids how to appreciate others? >> i'm sorry. i couldn't hear your question? >> tell me a little bit about the exhibit? >> michelle. >> it's acces accessibility. it's a traveling exhibit coming from from the boston children's museum. it celebrates the differences that people have with disabilities. it teaches children that people with disabilities are no different than you or i.
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they may move or communicate in a different way. here you have a child demonstrating what it looks like to ride a wheelchair. there's other areas that teach children about prosthetics. if you don't have use of your arms, what could you use to open a doorknob. we also have an area where children can type their name in braille. they can learn american sign language. they can also write a hand pedaled bike. >> great learning tool for kids. thank you for joining you. accessibility is at port discovery on marketplace and it's there through january 24th. for more information log on to
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2009 ended with more murders in baltimore than last year, but still significantly lower than recent years. as 201 2010 gets underway, the police department is putting things in place to ensure that the numbers go down. commissioner bealefeld joins us this morning. >> good morning. >> are you satisfied with last year's numbers? >> no, i shouldn't have this job if i'm satisfied with the numbers. i'm proud of the work that the men and women did, but i think we could do better. >> the numbers are down in
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comparison to many years prior to this, but we're still seeing a lot of murders compared to other cities our side. 37 per 100,000. 4 per 100,000 in new york. why such a disparity. >> i don't even think that we have to go that wide. if you look regionally, you can draw similar conclusions. >> right. >> i think that what you have to look at is in terms of the whole system. i have been in a lot of news stations, i will be on the radio and the police department will be the focus. >> uh-huh. >> we're just one component of a very complex criminal justice system from the police to parole and probation. the prosecutors, the judges and the public defenders, really it's a comprehensive system and it's got to get beyond talk and people have to do much, much more across the board like that.
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>> are you saying there's not a good comprehensive system in place in baltimore? >> i think we could do better in just one area alone? >> which is? >> the bad guys with guns. i know that it does for a great sound and police involved shootings about how frustrated we are, but we coincidence tantly make this city -- instantly make this city safer. it's not because i believe it. i know, what the numbers rely. if you put bad guys with guns in jail and keep them there, the crime numbers in this city will drop dramatically. >> some people say you're out there, you're getting upset saying we need to put these people in jail, but you will say, also, isn't that your job? what is it that you're asking of citizens? >> i think there are a lot of different levels. one is that these guys don't have cloaking devices. the guns aren't invisible.
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they are not using 20th century technology to do the shootings in baltimore. they're using hand guns, they're carrying guns around. heme see thepeople see them wit. even if they don't want to call 911 we need people having discussions in their homes and communities and families, not just getting frustrated because a girl got shot. every day, we are saying, you're shooting people in the neighborhood. you're shooting guys that you grew up with that you went to school with. it's not people driving in from vegas to do shootings in baltimore. >> how do you change that culture in 2010? >> i think that you continual continue along the progress that we have made, right? 20 year lows and we have sustained that over the last 2 1/2 years. there's a basic crime and public safety strategy and there's ways -- there are opportunities for people to get involved all
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along. you know, doctor alonzo, and this is a parallel, dr. alonzo is doing great things in the school. if you -- don't get on board with fred beale son, yo bealefeo with dr. alonzo, and keep more schools in baltimore and stay safe. what does do for baltimore. the mayor talks greener cleaner. if you kept the block cleaner, what does that say to the young kids who have to walk through that block every day. i don't think it's just getting on board with the cops and marching and rallying around, because you can't sustain that. a few people get interested. it's cold out, you're not going to do that. but teach your kids, work together to make the community safer even if small ways, keep your lights on, help your neighbors out? >> commissioner bealefeld we wish you the best of luck working with the department and
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other agencies. a fire breaks out in an compartment complex in again gln burnie what investigators say sparked that.
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investigative voice started a series last year exploring some of the stories this left more questions than answers. some the stories the ongoing probe by the public commission into why last winter's electric bills were so high. what did they find out? >> steve janice with investigative joyce joins us with the story. a lot of people want the answer to that because it's cold again. why were they so high?
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>> that's the question, the pse and the they said they would investigate it but never got to us or were willing to release the details. there were a lot of theories. some consumer advocates say it was not just a matter of the cold temperatures but a matter of remote estimates of bills and technological issues. >> we're talking about a change in bills. some of theek these folks went 2 to $700 which makes you raise your eyebrows. >> these were people who were not heating just with electricity but were heating with gas. and their electricity bill went up when they were not using it for heat. we are doing this investigation. >> some people felt that there was just a complete -- there was smog fraudulent going on. >> uh-huh. >> one of the people that you talked found that. >> he found that he they had
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charged 5 times of the day in an estimate that they charged for the next month. it was an estimate that could not be corrected. he got bge and to pay him. some the estimating procedures used by bge and were out of whack. >> do we think that could have happened widespread across the board and people didn't look at it or get into it like this one. >> he is like a phd student. he dug into this and wouldn't give up. i think that a lot of people felt that estimates were a big problem. some the meters are read remotely, and there could be problems. the pse revealed to us that they did not have enough people to handle the complaints and investigations that had been coming to their agency. >> it's not up to everyone individual to look into their case. you probably should, but the pse is the agency charged with looking into it, finding out and getting justice for the
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consumer. did that happen? >> last year, you know, they had like 100 complaints coming in one month and more, they only had had two investigators. there were a lot of people, and they added a lot of people that said that the pse never got to them or sent them the same information that bge sent them. here we are at another winter. >> to learn more about this story go to and click on investigative
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cecilton elementary is closed because they have no heat. meteorologist tony pagnotti is in for steve fertig and he is talking about the no heat. the winds are dying down but it's still no walk if the park heading out this morning. we have the temperatures in the mid-20s. this is the first week in january the new year. we can deal with the temperatures in the 20s but the windchills this weekend, wow, wee gusting up to 40. we have a weak disturbance out to the west hatche west. that could bring us a snow hour, but the headline this morning are the chilly temperatures with the wind factored in. those are the current numbers. 26 in baltimore, 24 hagerstown, oakland 9 degrees and winds right now are 10 to 12 miles per
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hour in our area. so that is not too bad considering where we were yesterday, but the real feel outside is about 13, 14 degrees. so when the kids are out there at the bus stop, the cold reality of back to school in more ways than one. it's going to feel like the teens so they will need the hats, scarves and that kind of stuff. throughout the day, the winds northwest 10-15. we will reach 32 for the daytime high. that looks like there's a chance of snow talk later in the week, but i will outline that for you in a little bit. before we do that, we want to see how the roadways are heating up if you will on this back to reality monday after the big new year's weekend. here is candace. >> reporter: thank you, tony. we're talking about a cool down. in fact freezing temperatures causing icy conditions out there. we do have them reported on old court road at west joppa road. that's in the baltimore county area, but you could find it
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wherever you're waking up on the area roadways. just use extra caution where you're traveling. we're checking on 83 checking above 695. here it is, a lot of cars coming down the pike but so far no delays to talk about on the southbound stretch all the way down toward beltway. speaking of the beltway up toward 795, look being pretty guide righgood right now a norm. farther back from 95 toward 83, that volume is increasing there. now at 13 minutes with 45 miles per hour. but doing much better on 95, from the fort mchenry tunnel toward beltway at 41 miles per hour an 8-minute drive. that is a look at the 5 miles per hour, back to you. city police are investigating the first murder of the new year after a man is gunned down in a northeast baltimore alley. megan gilliland has the latest from police headquarters, good morning, megan.
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>> reporter: good morning, patrice, police found a man with several gunshot wounds bleeding in an alley yesterday. he was pronounced dead at the scene. at this point, the first murder of the new year still remains a mystery. the shooting happened at broad daylight at 3:00 yesterday afternoon in the 2300 block of ocala avenue. the victim's name is not being released at this point, but we are told is an adult man. witnesses say they spotted two people running from the scene. at this point, though, people have no motive, no suspect. it's the first murder since city residents held a candle light vigil last week remembering the victims of violence in 2009 and pleading to have less victims in 2010. >> i know you're willing. if you could listen i will show you how. >> stop the violence -- >> this is a statement, you know, all these candles this is a statement that things can get
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better. hopefully, it will be less candles up there next year. >> reporter: in 2000 anyone there were 23 238 home -- 2009 there were 238 homicides in baltimore city, 4 more than the previous year. metro is offering a reward for anyone who comes up with information that could lead to an arrest on this homicide. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. two children are hospitalized after food left on a stove sparked a fire. a 2-year-old boy suffered serious injuries. a 7, 8, and 19 years old suffered non-3 nonlife at leastg injuries. the fire was small but filled the apartment with heavy smoke. two other people were hospitalized after they got into a fight outside of the apartment. the ravens get the job done
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in oakland beating the raiders 21-13 which means for the second straight year, the ravens will insert playoffs as a wild card team. are the fans feeling another strong playoff run like last season. joel d smith is live at opinioner a bread ipanerabread e opinions. as we got into the playoff season, this city got more electrified and it was fun. >> reporter: that is what i'm looking forward to this. i wasn't here last year, i was rooting from afar. working for the wild card, you got to earn it, but i'm here with bob, whom you talked to last week. what did you think about this game yesterday first of all? >> i thought it was a challenge for the ravens. i think everybody in town thinks that they should have blown oakland out, but the ravens just aren't that type of team, it
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seems like. they always struggle. it was a win and that is all that matters. >> reporter: you heard about the injuries with the patriots. west locker gone. >> that is huge. if i had to pick, i would pick the ravens because will kerr is such a weapon and i don't think -- their defense isn't like it used to be. it's just brady and moss. if we can keep them under some control, think i we have a heck of shot. >> reporter: let's see if you are one of these fans. pittsburgh is out and we pretty much did to them. >> they did it to themselves, they lost to all of the teams. i'm glad they are out because they were shooting their mouths off. they're gone. >> reporter: we're still playing, they're not. bob, thank you for comments. we have a couple of live more hits to go. come by and tell us what you think. we're at the putty hill panner a
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in towson. patrice, back to you. can this year's ravens team go as far as last year? >> that is the question of the day. the phone lines are open now at (410)481-4545. you can also go to and tell us what you think or go to our face book page, send us a tweet at fox baltimore or text your answer to 45203 enter fox 45a for yes, or fox 45b for no. coming up a pop up book focused on some of the biggest sporting stories in recent history. how the creator decided which events to feature. it's back to the daily routine this morning and back to the roadways. here is a live look at 95 traveling at whitemarsh boulevard. you can already see the stop and go delays approaching the beltway. i will show you what ñc
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>>winds out of the northwest at 10 not 25 or 35 we had over the weekend. temperatures on the chilly side, freezing everywhere in our state and beyond, even to the west and south. the windchill, we will have, even though we won't have the gusts that we had yesterday as far as the windchills. the wind not so lucky, 13, and 6 below at oakland at this hour. we have a weak of disashe answee that is going to be coming through at midday to trigger showers at some locations. we have been talking all morning about we are not alone. missy loves company when it -- misery loves company when it comes to the windchills of the 9 below at minneapolis right now. 44 in miami, it's colder at atlanta. it's cold lata down there. we're seeing the big wedged of f
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arctic air. 24 in d.c. 19 fredrickburg and 9 in oakland. those are air temperatures not the windchills again. with the cold air blasting down through the afternoon, we will feel the northerly wind breathing down our necks for at least 3 or 4 days. this is low pressure system which combined with the high that is causing the pressure gradients and causing the big wind whip out there. let's put the future scan out there. the clouds radar. and this is the weak disturbance that has a snow band. if anything, it will be snow showers at best and right through tomorrow into thursday, we will say partly sunny, skies with some clouds throughout the afternoon. the forecast for today, the eastern shore, 33 degrees, winds west up to 25 miles per hour. here in central maryland, partly cloudy skies, invariably cloudy by day's end.
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we should be 40 degrees at this time of year, so well below normal in addition to the windchill. in western maryland 27 with some cascattered snow showers, 15-25 degrees. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast for you. you know all about today. tomorrow we will try to get the degrees up to 35 above freezing and the winds will start to die down by midweek where we will be seeing temperatures, 37 to 38 degrees and we should be right around 40, 42 degrees and then friday, we're keeping our eye on a system that could bring us some snow. how much, how soon, all of that too early to tell, but there's a system that we're going to watch throughout the next couple of days. well, if you want to be a part of it all with fox 45 sky watch weather it's now at your finger tips. iradar available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track the incoming storms. the interactive tools let you see when rain or snow will be
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over your house. go to we and ck on iradar. well, at 7:45 it's time to click on the traffic edge report once again. and here is candace. >> reporter: thank you, tony. we have been checking on the average speeds. it's now pretty far down heading on the beltway moving through the catonsville region. take a look at that, near route 40 at 3 34 miles per hour. farther up, right near security boulevard, it's 56 miles per hour, so doing a little bit better there. we do need to talk about icy conditions as the numbers are so low as far as the temperatures are concerned, that that's actually causing icy patches out there. old court road at joppa road is one of those areas. you can find it in your neighborhood, just be careful as you head out this morning. on the main lines checking in on 83 above 695 there, here it is a lot of cars that are starting to come down the stretch on the southbound direction making the approach to the beltway but no
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incidents to talk about. we will take that this morning. on the top end of the beltway, look at those cars already a few of those yellow ones on the outer loop lanes meaning reduced speeds. let's show what it look likes at harford road the usual slow spot. the did he lays are forming-- tg the more toward towson. a in much better shape there, a better picture the inner and outer loop stretch down toward the 695 exit. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. still ahead, the baltimore rains travel to the west and beat up on the oakland raiders making into the playoff picture. the team takes on the patriots in the post season. we want to know what you think? can this year's ravens team go as far as they did last
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the 21-13 victory secured the team's spot in the playoffs. it's the second straight year the ravens will have played in the post season. last year they made it all the way to the afc championship game. that brings us to the question of the day. can this year's ravens team go as far as they did last year? the phone lines are open now at (410)481-4545. our first caller is betty in baltimore. good morning, betty. >> good morning. >>what did you think about yesterday's win? >> i loved it. >> and can we keep that up? how far are we going to get in the playoffs, did you think? >> you heard it first here, baltimore. we're going all the way. >> i heard it here, baltimore. when we win, we have bet betty o
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thank for? >> harvey, bete just said we are going all the way, but what do you think? >> they have the weapons but cam cameron calls a too conservative game. >> really, you think so? >> yes, ma'am. they should take him off the sidelines and put him up on the box. if he is up in press box, can see the field better, he can make better calls and adjust to the defense because joe flacco is a little hesitant in picking up the blitzes. >> flacco has had good games this season, but lately it's been different. let's go to the facebook page and see what folks are saying there. samuel said on our facebook page. the ravens have the tools to take it all the way. one of the main differences between this team and the super bowl ravens is discipline. if we play smart, yes, we can go
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all the way. that's what you like to hear. another person said the ravens will beat new england and then beat the colts in a close one, and that is saying a lot. and then we have tom who is at our website at and he wrote, if the other teams don't show up. so obviously, tom doesn't have as much faith in the ravens. and that solicited laughter around here. he doesn't have as much faith as the other folks. we wish the ravens all best. coming up, inspiring stories. hear from people who slimmed down and maintained the results. but next, sports il illustrd comes up with a creative way to teach kids about sports.
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[ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters cleans deep... you'll love it so much, you'll send your old duster packing. ♪ love stinks! ♪ yeah! yeah! ♪ love stinks ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters cleans deep into hard to reach places and removes allergens, feather dusters can leave behind. the thick all around fibers trap and lock on contact. swiffer gives cleaning a deep new meaning. exact change, buddy. ♪ love stinks!
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in a world of 24 hour cartoon networks, and video games, it might be hard to convince your kids up to pick up a book. but sports illustrated came up with a book that illustrates at the same time. they are introducing your kids to the pop up world of sports. this is an amazing book. we're all oohs and awes about over, this bob. >> thank you, patrice. >> we have pop up books but this takes it to another level? , a year ago, more than a year ago a group of us at sports illustrated magazine were trying to decide what would be the next book we wanted to put into production. we had just come off of making a 3-d book that we were proud of with 3-d photography. we were intrigued by all of developments over the past years
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in helping pop up books becoming art books. we wanted to try to marry the great action photography that sports illustrated is well known for with the paper engineering that all of the pop up books we have these days have going for them. we contacted bruce foster who is one of the country's best paper engineer. he did the creative entry to the book of enchanted. we asked him if he wanted to take on the challenge to marry pop up with 3-d photography. >> tell me how you did this, this one is lebron james and the guy is going for that. this one is from curt to first. >> we wanted to get a mix of the biggest stars in the sports with the biggest events the region's
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sports. we wanted to capture things with diversity and different types of things and different sports. we wanted kelly slater for instance, who is in the back of the book driving through a wave. we wanted to -- he is one of the world's best sufferers. we wanted to get danny waive jumping through the great wall of china. we were looking for things that combined the big stars and information, too. we wanted to loss present information in a way that we're famous for at sports illustrated. >> i think kelly slater in the tube that is one of my favorites. that's a pretty awesome way to illustrate that. >> we are pretty pleased with how that turned out as well. >> kids are going to love this. ter nothey're not going to wantt this down, you think. >> that is the hope. the feedback that we are been getting from people like yourself has been tremendous. parents, grandparents, anyone who enjoys sports is a lifelong
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fan for a new fan the pop up book of sports at this time of year is a great, great gift. it's something that you can keep coming back to, because it presents sports in a really interesting and new way. i know this is sports illustrated kids butt you're -- but you are going to have a hard time getting this out of the hands the adults, you know that. >> that's okay by us. >> this was a great book. we're not going to be able to put down ourselves, t t>ñó
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>>the city's first homicide of the year is on the books the search is on for a killer. congratulations to our guys. it's not easy to make the
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playoffs. the ravens advance to the playoffs after beating the raiders, how the fans feel this morning. i feel like the situation here is happening in baltimore is temporary. >> and what are we in for in the new year? a sig sigha sa psychic's predicr for 2010. good morning, it's monday, january 4th. i'm patrice harris. happy new year. happy new year, i'm megan gilliland. it's a happe cold start to the . >> 2009 went out cold and 2010 followed suit. >> if you don't have heat you're not in good shape. there's a school closings because of that cecil elementary is closed because they don't have heat there.
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not a good situation for them. >> let's check in with tony pagnotti to see if we're going to get a cold releaf th rereliee cold temperatures or rebundle as much as we can? >> even though we saw you freezing out there. you could have had the 35-mile per hour gusts like we had the weekend. >> right. >> we are not alone. we have been telling everyone how down south in florida they had a freeze warning in central florida. here at home, we have a little disturbance out to the west that may be bring you snow flurry activity to some portions of the state. but that is not the big weather story. it's the chill in the air. these are the current temperatures, 9 in oakland, 27 in baltimore, but you got to factor in the winds, although as we said, they're not the 25 to 35-mile per hour variety over the weekend. still when you're having a windchill over the northwest at 12 as we have in baltimore, it's
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feeling like 13 degrees in downtown baltimore. so that means bundle up at the bus stop. make sure the kids have the hats, the gloves, sweaters and routine, bundle up. the windchill in the teens. that will be the story throughout date, maybe a scattered flurry. daytime high only 32 degrees. when i come back in a little bit, i will talk more about a possible snow event. it's still on far on the horizon. we will talk about that in a little bit, but first let's talk traffic. the woman to do all of the talking right now, here is candace dold with the traffic edge report. >> reporter: thank you, tony. we're talking about 95. there's an accident in the northeast corner on rosedale traveling on the northbound lanes approaching the 695 exit. we do want to show you exactly had a it looks like there south of the beltway. here it is, southbound lanes and northbound lanes the traffic is actually flowing freely. the good news is the accident not causing any delays. on 95, farther back, taking it
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from the fort mack henry tunnel, up toward 95, a 5-minute commute at 55 miles per hour. all in all running pretty normal. we will check on the beltway from 95 toward 83, the usual deal there, back toward the morning rush, a very slow 16-minute ride, 37 miles per hour. but better numbers on the rest of the beltway on 83 toward 795. now 49 miles per hour with a 13 minute clip from 795 down toward 95. that's a look at your morning travels. patrice and megan back over to you. candace, thank you. 8:04 the fox 45 morning news. the first murder of the year leaves police searching for a killer. a man was gunned down in broad daylight in northeast baltimore. it happened at 3:00 yesterday afternoon in the 2300 block of ocala avenue. witnesses say they spotted two people running from the scene. the police have in suspects and
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no motive. as police continue to investigate, the first murder of the year, city residents remember the victims of last year. they held a candle light vigil recently praying 2010 will be less violent. it's dn gunned down. i know you're willing if you listen i can show you how. >> stop the violence. >> in 2009 there were 238 homicides in the city, 4 more than 2008. a baltimore city police officer is hurt in a crash involving four other vehicles. it happened around 8:00 last night in north baltimore at york road and wood born avenue. police say a pickup truck pulled out in front of the officer's patrol car. the police car hit another car before smashing into a subway vunt. the officer was taken to shock trauma with a fractured leg. four other people were rushed to
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sinai with nonlife-threatening injuries. a baltimore man and his girlfriend will be in court today charged in the murder of his 20-month-old daughter. 24-year-old jerome wallace and 22-year-old natasha farmer were home with the baby last month when they say she stopped breathing. an autopsy showed trauma to the baby's face and neck and her death was ruled a homicide. wallace and farmer are charged with murder and child abuse. while most state employees are facing furloughs, state leaders up are for a pay raise. the general assembly will debate raises for themselves when the session opens this month. the governor agrees he won't accept a raise in these tough times and other state officials should do the same. all state lawmakers make more than $40,000 a year. a memorial service will be held to honor kaufman. kaufman died on christmas day.
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he was known throughout baltimore as a civil rights activities and socialist. he ran several political offices. his health deteriorated after he was beaten by a tenant he rented in 2005. the service will take place at baltimore hebrew won congregation chap until parks height avenue. -- caple in par chapel in park s avenue. willis mcgahee was the big story rushing for the career high, 3 touchdowns. the second one was the game's biggest play. mcgahee goes 77 yards for the touch down giving the ravens a 14-3 lead. but the raiders managed to cut that lead to a sing the point. that is when baltimore's defense took over. janeleing a rookie undrafted
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free agent takes it the other way and 28 yards deep inside raider territory. that set up another mcgahee touch down. the ravens win 21-13. we will play new england. we have been there before. we are pretty comfortable. we know our way around. we know where the locker room is at. we look forward to playing the new england patriots in foxborough. >> the ravens will face the new england patriots, it will be the first playoff match up. hopefully many more. a lot of people say it wasn't necessarily the prettiest game but the players say they don't care how they look as long as they're in the dance. the question is, is that how the fans feel. >> joel d smith is live at panera bread to find out how the fans are feeling. >> reporter: it's a great monday -- i know mondays are great, but it's a great monday when it's a ravens win coming in
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this week after a long time off. we're here with patty. let's talk about yesterday's game. did you expect a bigger margin of victory? >> yes, definitely with what the records were. although the other team had been doing well lately. >> reporter: they beat the steelers, they're not bad. >> they beat the steelers, and cincinnati. so i mean, they were coming up on the world. i figured it wasn't going to be a cake walk, but i thought -- i wish we would have had one the teams that would have let us, you know. >> reporter: let's find out what is going to happen next week against the patriots? >> it will be close be but i think the patriots are going to win. >> reporter: oh, no. everyone else is more confident. we will send it back to you. most people think that the ravens have a good shot. there's injuries with the new england. what do you think? >> i think the patriots are down. i think they're hurt. >> i think we should cross our fingers now. we will take the win however we can get it. >> if the kids are still home from school, you can take them
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to port discovery. the exhibit that will teach them will relating to others. what is ahead on 2010. we ask a psychic to look
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explore the ability in disability. it's all part of the port discovery's accessibility
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exhibit. michelle is live at port discovery this morning with all the details for our hometown hot spot. good morning, michelle. >> good morning, patrice. >> tell me about the exhibits. the things we have been so far are incredible. it's a great message for kids. >> yes, it teaches children that the people's disabilities are no different than yours and is. they may communicate in a different way. the girls are learning how to communicate with each other without seeing what each other is seeing. they're describing to each other the different types of creations that they're making out of the blocks. they have to see if they can match them up. it's a great way to -- >> i think we just lost them. we will have to check in a little bit. in case you want to get down to port discovery, accessibility is there through january 24th. for more information log to our website at we've got 25 degrees right
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now our current conditions at bwi thurgood march shall airport. big story today is the winds aren't as bad as they were over the weekend. howling up to 35 and 25 miles per hour today. you can see at bwi12 miles per hour, but still no walk in the park when you factor in the windchill we do have out there. here are current temperatures, 27 in baltimore, out to our west teens for temperatures, but again we have to factor in the some winds and when you do, we're getting the teens, there you go, i swishe switched out ad winchester 10. 8 below is what it feels like in the western part of the state. throughout central maryland it will feel like the teens. when you're heading out the door, the cold reality of back to workweek and school, it's the reality of waking up to frigid digits when you factor in all of
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the digits out there. misery loves company. minneapolis, windchill 7 below. and 1 17 below. it's cold latana than it is at b-more. we have a cold air. statewide the cold of the spot oakland at 9. we're at 27. we hope to get to 32 degrees today. we have the weak disturbance that is going to be pushing through over the next couple of hours. that could trigger a snow flurry or two, don't worry about it, not a biggie. this is the big weather story, arctic air that has been in place with this low pressure gradient. very packed bia isobars. that is when you get the cold windchills. clouds and radar picture, maybe a scattered snow shower or two at best. this is the weak disturbance,
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the lighter blue you can see, but throughout tomorrow, wednesday and beyond, we will have pretty much partly cloudy skies, nothing really to worry about. but for today, all you have to do is just dress accordingly. 33 for the high along the eastern shore. here in central maryland a 40% chance of a scat snow shower or two, 32 degrees and in western maryland where we showed you the windchills in oakland below zero, 27 for the air temperature. here is your seven-day forecast, 32 degrees today. notice the temperatures is going to try to work its way to respectability, however, the overnight lows still chilling. friday we could be seeing now a snow, pretty much a snow event, how much when it's going to start tilt, too early to call now? we want to let you know the possibility is there. we will keep you updated as vytis reid chief meteorologist throughout the rest of the week. no matter what happens out
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there, iradar is available at can you use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track the incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. just go to and click on iradar. well, it's never good getting back after a holiday weekend, but it doesn't help when it's cold out there. how is it affecting the roadways this monday morning? here is candace. >> reporter: thank you, tony. well, it is back to the old routine and if you are heading out and hitting the roadways, it's actually going to be not too bad on some areas and then a little bit of a slow go in others. we will check in on the different perspectives. now at 41 miles hour traveling on the gateway moving through catonsville. it goes back up to 37 traveling the security exit. and 61 traveling on the beltway moving through the pikesville region. we do have to talk about a tiew
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other incidents. the numbers are so low with regard to the temperatures that we have freezing icy conditions out there at philadelphia road at joppa farm road. this is one area, but of course, you can find it in your neskt woods. neck of the woods. just be careful as you travel this morning. it's the sheer volume that you have to deal with especially on the southbound lanes from whitemarsh boulevard heading toward the beltway. checking on the roadways, from harford road, we have been monitoring the condition this morning. now it's going to be smooth sailing on the outer loop lanes a nice and clear ride from parkville toward towson area. that's where it picks up in the outer loop direction. in towson we have a serious situation. you know deal when it gets cold we find a broken watermain. it completely shuts down at joppa road at old court road. it's freezing outside, the trucks are on the scene because it's causing the icy conditions there. the traffic is being detoured from joppa road to thornton
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road. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice and megan, back to you. still ahead losing weight is not an easy task. coming up we hear the stories of several people who cut their weight in half. and what is ahead for us this year? we ask a psychic for the answer. the political scandal that hi, anne. how are you doing? hi, evelyn. i know it's been a difficult time since your mom passed away. yeah. i miss her a lot, but i'm okay. wow. that was fast. this is the check i've been waiting for. mom had a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy through the colonial penn program, and this will really help with the cost of her final expenses. they have been so helpful and supportive during this time. maybe i should give them a call. i really could use some more life insurance. is it affordable? it costs less t that's pretty affordable, huh? less than 35 cents a day? that's less than the cost of a postage stamp.
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so, you said it was guaranteed acceptance? yes. it's permanent coverage with guaranteed acceptance for people ages 50 to 85. there's no medical exam or health questions. you can't be turned down because of your health. it fit right into mom's budget and gave her added peace of mind. you should give them a call or look them up online at i definitely could use more coverage. i think i will give them a call. man: are you between the ages of 50 and 85? or know someone who is? do you think that quality insurance at an affordable rate is out of your reach? for less than 35 cents a day, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program. you cannot be turned down because of your health. there are no health questions or medical exam. your rate will never go up, and your benefit will never go down due to age-- guaranteed! these days, the average cost of a funeral is over $7300, and social security pays a death benefit of just $255. don't leave a burden for your loved ones.
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since 1994, over 6 million people have called about this quality insurance. there's no risk or obligation. call about the colonial penn program now. you'll be glad you did. making predictions is a popular new year's tradition. >> every year we like to ask to a local psychic to look into her crystal ball and tell us what she sees ahead in the year. here is sonya's predictions for the year 2010. >> now remember, it took a long time to get here. it's going to take a long time to get out. there's a lot of light at the
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end of the tunnel here. we are now instead of importing, we're exporting. i think the new motto is going to be made in america. people should not get discouraged because i feel this is what we call a turn around. going in and turning around and coming back. it's not going to happen immediately. it will take a period of time, but it will happen. we will be bring our people home. i am concerned about the light rail system itself, about train systems. you know, they spend a lot of time on security in the trains which is very important, but they need to spend time inspecting the tracks and the rails. this is where we have an issue with something, a soft target so to speak. i feel like the situation here is happening with baltimore is temporary. baltimore is a very strong city with some very good people that
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can run the city. i feel this is going to overcome a lot of situations that has been occurring and still occurring. this is only going to actually be a new beginning. you know, i predicted slots. i saw slots coming in. i said they would be legalized over a year ago, november. we still don't have them. well, that is going to change. i feel like all of these delays, delays are going to stop. i think tiger woods is going to not get a divorce. shocking, people think he is. i think they're going to stay together, but i do see some type of counseling he is going to have to go into. this will be a long-term situations for him. i will say one thing for the ravens, those boys can run. i do feel something about the
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number 7 being he very important with the ravens in the future. , i have high hopes for them and i feel like they're going to come back we strong. i believe that americale miracll occur and remember, every time you hear a bell ring, the angels get their wings. i hope we hear a lot of bells, that would be very good. >> sonya is predicting a big tolpolitical scandal in the spr. it will happen in the spring and it involves a prominent governor. >> it's always been interesting to hear the predictions and see what is in store and see how accurate those can be this year. coming up losing weight we know is not an easy task, but coming up we will hear stories of several people and how they
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cut their weight in half. >> i like dr. . >> yeah. >> the story of a doctor who flies in to provide healthcare to t when you switch to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a one-year agreement. with fios tv, you get an amazing hd picture along with internet service that's fiber-optic fast. both were ranked highest in customer satisfaction
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t>ñó if you are like millions of americans, your new year's resolution to lose weight. one magazine is offering up a little i inspiration to help you get started. they are make the senior editor galina espinoza available to talk with us. good morning, galina, how are you? >> good morning, happy new year. >> in the magazine we're talking about real people losing real
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weight, not talking about surgery. >> these people decided to transform their bodies by transforming their lives meaning they had to completely overhaul the way they ate and the way they exercised. >> did they tell you how they did it. that is the big question is how? >> for me the biggest part of the story is how they each started. what got them there was different, maybe a doctor told them that they needed to lose weight or their health was going to be at risk or maybe they were a parent and felt that they could not keep up with their kids. once they got to that point where they had to turn things around, they started by making small changes. that's the key to emphasize, because so often weight loss seems so overwhelming. it seems too hard, it takes too much time and too much effort. if you just commit to making a small change every couple of weeks, the small changes add up. i will give you one example. one of our women, she just started by parking her car 15
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minutes away from the shopping mall when she would go with her kids. and by incorporating a 15 minute walk into her regular routine, she started to have more energy and started feel a little bit stronger and a little bit healthier. from that she looked at what she was eating. she went on the internet and started reading the calorie counts of the different foods she is eating. that is what one portion is supposed to look like, i'm eating way too much. by making those kind of adjustments she ended up losing 150 pounds. >> with everyone as successful as she was, are there bad stories in there as well? >> no, it's all inspi inspiratin this issue. these people have lost half of their body weights. we're talking about 150 pounds each. these people can do it anyone
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can. >> the special issue is going to feature celebrity weight loss winners as well, correct? >> absolutely. you know what we hear from people, the celebrities, it's easy because they have a trainer, they have a nutritionist, and that may very well be true, but it doesn't mean that they don't have to put in the work as well. yes, they have tools at their disposable to help them. at th the end of the day you hae to be motivated and get up and go to the gym and get up and make healthy foods for yourself and brings snacks with you when you're outrunning around. you have to take responsibility for your health. >> galina, t
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welcome back to fox fry morning news. 8:31 is the time. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. another cold start to the day but at least the wind has died
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down so that is good news on a chilly day. >> we have school closings to tell you about this more than. garrett county schools are closed and cecilton elementary in cecil county are closed because they have no heat. >> that is not a place you want to be in this cold weather. meteorologist tony pagnotti is here with all of the details on when we can expect a little bit of a warm up, perhaps. she is borderline, there patrice. her new year's resolution, said she wouldn't complain about the weather. her words are very careful. it could be worse. >> all things considered, we're not doing too bad out there. we have no major snow or ice or anything like that, although candace was talking about the icy spots from moisture freezing on the roadways. she will have more on that coming up. we have the winds howling, not as bad as the weekend when we had the 35 and 4 40-mile per hor
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gusts. these are current temperatures in the mid-20s throughout the area. can you see the current temperatures with the current speeds of the wind not as bad as the weekend, windchills still in the teens out at the bus stop. last phone call, 25 degrees. you got to bundle up this morning. we will get to 32, but the windchill throughout the morning and the afternoon will be in the teens. so what do you say, we get another look at the roadways and everyone is back to reality with a cold, hard fact of reality of the weather out there, here is candace with a traffic edge report. >> reporter: thank you, tony. we're checking in on the main lines and things are starting to clear out. better news for you. here is a look at pw parkway. it's at the beltway. can you see the pars are zipping on long on both the northbound and southbound directions. as for 95 traveling thrt the the area from the fort mchenry tunnel, it's running normal on the southbound direction. an 8 minute clip at 53 miles per
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hour. now if you're going to opt for 895 instead from the harbor tunnel to 895, things are looking good, a 9-minute trip at 55 miles per hour. but then it slows down on the beltway now at 45 miles per hour with a 13-minute ride from 95 up toward 83. that's a look at your morning commute, patrice and megan back over to you. here is a look at our top stories. first murder of the new year leaves police searching for a killer. a man was gunned down in broad daylight. it happened at 3:00 yesterday afternoon in the 2300 block of oala avenue. witnesses say they spotted two people running from the scene but police have no suspects and no motive. the ravens are in the playoffs, the steelers are out. i'm joel d smith at the panera bread location at towson talking to people this morning and they're happy to get back to work because the ravens won.
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it's nice to get back to the workweek after all of that downtime. they got a good chance this week against the patriots because they're all injured of the once again the ravens are in the playoffs and did i mention, the steelers are out. new tighter security regulations at airports begin today. travelers flying from or going through nations regarded as state sponsors of terrorism as well as other countries of interest will be required to go through increased screening which could include full body scans, pat downs and searches. those countries include pakistan nigeria and yemen and others. one virginia doctor has dedicated the last decade to helping the residents. island. he flies into the island to provide medicare for residents. >> we take a look at the work that nichols is doing there and how much it means to his patients..
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>> reporter: the chesapeake bay defines tan jeer island. >> a small patch of sand 12 miles away from the mainland. the town realizing surrounding water more commerce, its communication, and its culture. >> there's nothing phony and there's no secret. >> reporter: but it' as the bay brings live to tanjire, dr. nichols brings health. every thursday for the last 30 years the doctor has donated his time flying the 15 minutes to the island's often isolated airstrip taking the island's only cars to the clinic. an expert in medicine first brought him here to practice, the passion for its people kept him coming back. >> okay, that is good. >> reporter: everyone doubted
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the doc when he promised to be a regular, after all the clinic needs as much help as some of the patients, but two things wouldn't imagine all of those years ago how important he would become to all of these people. >> i like dr. nichols. >> yes horse and how important they have become to him. in a place too tight knit for strangers and too small for crime, they have a far different problem. for bonnie lan den it's her knees. many others it's heart disease or diabetes, medical problems that go unchecked or untreated. >> okay, good enough. >> reporter: today, bonnie waits for dr. nichols. >> good to see you. >> reporter: bonnie suffered 15 years from arthritis in her knees until she got medicare, treatment was too expensive. [ laughter ] >> reporter: but sometimes wealth is not tuned in a wallet. >> i can really walk. >> don't you be falling down,
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now. >> reporter: it thrives in the spirit and that has always been payment enough for dr. nichols. >> you're willing. >> reporter: despite the title david nichols is no longer a doctor on the island, he is a father and an advocate. on a shrinking island in the chesapeake bay, dr. nichols made it his mission to build something that would last. >> it's been a long time, a long time coming. >> reporter: the concrete foundation for tanjire's new clinic as a result of year's of fundraising, an insurance policy for people who have no be answer. >> he has always been there for the people when they needed him the most. >> reporter: with a heart as big as the chesapeake bay is blue. >> i think i have gotten an awful lot from the island. >> reporter: dr. nichols found a way to care for the
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island, long after he leaves the people he has grown to love for the last time. >> david nichols is a whole much better person because of this. he has been blessed. truly. still ahead the new movie "leap year" opens in threaters friday but you can see it tomorrow. we have free passes to give away coming up. this is it, this is really it. this is the final, this is the final curtain call. >> plus, we remember the stars that pass add way in 2009.
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sphul power installations have sprouted all over the country. most of that energy boost isn't coming from utility companies, it's coming from the private sector and homeowners putting solar panels on their own roofs.
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rooftop solar added as much time to the country's power grid than utilities did last year. thousands of miles of transmission lines have to be built. and utilities say zones and permitting is an issue. small scale installations don't have nearly the headaches. it's the new frontier of electricity insulation. they are working around the david and goal iath, and a hopeful sign that despite a slump in 2009, 2010 and beyond looks to be brighter for the solar industry as a whole. i'm jill cortis reporting. to learn more about brighter living go to now let's check in with tony pagnotti and hear more about our cold living. good morning, tony. good morning, it's
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25 degrees, cloudy skies this morning. the winds not as bad as the weekend. we have a northwest with that wind, 12 miles per hour at bwi airport. other temperatures around the area, 27 at the inner harbor, 24 hagerstown, 25 up in harrisburg. windchill, though that is what it feels like when you're out there this morning, not so sweet 16 in central maryland, 8 below and chill in oakland, maryland. we have a weak disturbance out to the west outlined here. it's going to come here throughout the mid-morning and possibly trigger a snow flurry or two, maybe snow showers especially western maryland. we have been talking about how other parts of the country are feeling even a bigger chill. this is the air temperature, 9 below in minneapolis, out 45 down in miami, and hot lanta is cold lata colder than baltimore at 18 degrees. we will show you right now that the story will be that arctic air over the next several days.
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no major problems as far as precipitation. these are the air temperatures, and we will be seeing them pretty much moderate to get to 32 degrees, that is 8 degrees chillier than we should be for a daytime high temperature. once this arctic air mass pushes through, we be seeing that the windchill actually is going to die down. we will be seeing the low pressure system move further away. the packed isobars will keep us less than the windchill factor each and every day. today still no walk in the park with the winds out there, many gusting up to 15 miles per hour. the clouds and radar will have the invariably cloudy skies. tomorrow still cloud cover but we will see peaks of sun -- peeks sa of sunshine, and sunshe as we get toward the middle of the week. the temperature 33 degrees, winds gusting up to 25 miles per hour here in central maryland right around the freezing mark with a scattered snow shower or
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two, 32 degrees. out west, right now it looks like any snow shower activity, they will be getting it before we do will happen in the next hour, 27 degrees for the overnight low temperature, actually the high temperature, overnight low will be around teens. in the seven-day forecast, we will tell you a little bit more specifically that once we get into tuesday, tomorrow and wednesday, notice the mercury is going to go up and the windchill is going to go down. that's a good thing and as we work our way to friday, there's a disturbance in the midwest that is slowly working its way in our direction. computer models saying that it could be a snow event where we could pick up a little bit of accumulation, but too early to tell. we will keep you posted each day as we get closer. we will let you know if that possibility exists. we start out this new year with some cold temperatures before moderating toward nor normal temps during midweek. whatever is happening out there, fox 45 sky watch weather is at your finger tips.
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iradar is available at you can use fox 45's powerful doppler radar to track those coming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. excuse me, go to and click on iradar. well, let's get one last check of the roadways on this back to reality monday after the holiday weekend. here is candace. >> reporter: thank you, tony. we are checking on the your actual speeds out there and things are actually starting to improve. so a much better ride now as we head toward the 9:00 hour. 62 miles per hour traveling on the beltway moving through the catonsville region. that bine near security boulevard. as for the top end through pikesville, check out that number 63 miles per hour. we're liking most of those numbers. we do have to talk about icy conditions, though, we have been dealing at philadelphia road at joppa farm road. just be aware that you can find
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it in your own neighborhood, use extra caution as you are heading out there. on the main lines, checking on 95 the cars are in the green in the area. we want to show you what it looks like at whitemarsh boulevard. here it is, it's going to be a nice and calm ride heading all the way toward the beltway. on the beltway the volume is finally easing up toward parkville. it's still a bit congested moving through the to yo towsonn heading toward 83. in towson we want to talk about a broken watermain. it shuts down joppa road. it's leaving us with icy conditions because of the freezing temperatures, so salt trucks are on the scene and the traffic is being detoured from joppa road on to thornton road. that is a look at your morning commute, patrice and megan, over to you. thank you, candace. megan fox is proving beauty is only skin deep in her latest film jennifer's body. she stars as a high school student who becomes possessed and starts preying on the loge l
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it's cold, code one out there. >> my chin was numb. >> and the wind has been howling. everything is relative in the weather department. it's get better if you can consider 25-mile per hour gusts to 45-mile per hour gusts like we had over the weekend. the windchills are in teens but they will get near 20s. it sounds like a balmy day in baltimore. 35 in baltimore. >> 90 seconds in the show. >> a little better toward mid-week. i know you're looking toward the big snow on friday, 50% chance on friday. 1 of the systems that we're going to keep an eye on. it could possibly give us an accumulation, a couple of inches it will be a walk in the park. 33 for the weekend coming up but the bottom line is from is where we should be this first week of january in 2010.
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we will be below natural altemperatureal--normal temperat doing okay. >> 37 heatwave. >> she is not breaking the new year's resolution. she is keeping a positive look on the weather. when your love life doesn't seem to be on track, you have to take control a woman who dates her boyfriend for four years without a proposal. so she takes advantage of irish tradition that allows a woman to propose to a man on february 29th. on her way to ireland, she meets -- >> leap year opens in threaters this friday. you can win a pair of passes if you're one of the callers, (410)481-4545.
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